Andy 1 Beth nill

Yes we just got to the airport, but I'm already in the hole for the traveler of the year award. I knew when I booked the damn 1:30 am flight I was going to mess up the dates. I woke up Tuesday morning to his email: DUDE we leave tomorrow night! Well it could have been worse; we could have been hanging out this evening going over the itinerary to find out we have only a couple hours to get to the airport. Well we made it and I'm exhausted. My brain can't imagine attempting to speak Spanish in 5 hours.
I was just informed when you land at high altitude (as in almost 10k ft in Quito Ecuador) the plane has to be going really fast. This should make it interesting. Good thing I'm sitting next to strangers on this flight. Hopefully it's a small child. Buenas Noches. See you on the other side of the equator.

And we made it