Day three
we went to Caterpillar today. they made us fill out a questionnaire to make sure we didn't have swine flu and take our temperature- again! we've had our temperature taken so many times in all countries. in Singapore we walked through a temperature gun, then in India they placed a thermostat on our foreheads. we took a tour of the facilities and we had to wear ear plugs, helmet, eye glasses, and a face mask so we wouldn't give the workers swine flu.
since i woke up at 2 this morning i slept in the van on the way back. the roads are so bumpy that when the van came to a stop my body started twitching- so they tell me.
Sarah almost broke her trachea in the van last night. she was leaning forward and the driver slammed the breaks and she hit her throat on the seat in front of her. hahaha! classic! i'll post a pic with a reenactment- totally worth it.
one of the dudes trying to sell us stuff on the street yesterday pointed to Jenna and then me and fucking asked if i was her mom!! wtf??!! damn that pissed me off. i know i'm old but this girl is like 24 and he thinks i'm her mom? shit
did you know that if you feel the banana from the bottom end it peels so easily??!! that's how monkeys do it. now you know!
now it's 4 and we're drinking Tiger bear. yay!
oh yeah- i drank some local water today and so far so good. we'll see...